День леса
8 марта 2023
Издательство MDPI приглашает присоединиться 21 марта к вебинару, посвященному Международному Дню Лесов.
Dear Colleague,

MDPI would like to invite all experts recognized in their fields to attend the MDPI International Day of Forests Webinar 2023. This webinar aims to encourage scientists to come together, take action, and raise awareness as to the importance of all types of forests.

Title: MDPI International Day of Forests Webinar 2023

Date: 21 March 2023

Time: 9:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m. (CET)

Register in advance for this workshop HERE.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information on how to join the workshop. The number of participants able to join the workshop is limited; however, a recording will be made available online shortly afterwards. Registrations with academic institutional email addresses will be prioritized.

Workshop Speakers:

Prof. Dr. Bogdan Jaroszewicz
Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw
Presentation theme: The Influence of Forest Structure and Diversity on Ecosystem Functioning and Human Well-Being

Prof. Dr. Víctor Resco de Dios
Department of Crop and Forest Sciences and Agrotecnio Center, University of Lleida
Presentation theme: Europe in the Age of Megafires: We Created a Monster and Now We Are Making It Worse

Prof. Dr. Qing Li
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Nippon Medical School Hospital
Presentation theme: Beneficial Effects of Forest Environments (Forest Bathing/Shinrin-Yoku) On Human Health

Prof. Dr. Sharif A. Mukul
Department of Environment and Development Studies, United International University

Research Interests: biodiversity conservation; ecosystem functioning and processes; land-use/cover dynamics; forests; rural livelihoods; socio-economic aspects of forestry

We are pleased to provide this excellent opportunity to all outstanding researchers in their fields, to propose and develop new approaches, exchange perspectives, and encourage new lines of research.

To find out more about the speakers and the program, please visit https://idfw23.sciforum.net/. We hope that you are able to join us for this event.

Best Wishes,
Juno Zhou
MDPI Webinar Secretariat

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