Borovichev E., Bakalin V.
Genus Fossombronia (Fossombroniaceae, Marchantiophyta) in the Russian Far East
// Cryptogamie Bryologie. Vol. 38, Is. 1. 2017. Pp. 61-73
Ключевые слова: Fossombronia; Hepaticae; taxonomy; phytogeography; the Russian Far East
The genus Fossombronia Raddi in the Russian Far East is reviewed based on herbarium specimens mostly of recent collections. Three species are recognized (F alaskana Steere & Inoue, F pusilla (L.) Nees and F japonica Schiffn.). The descriptions and illustrations based on studied specimens are provided along with the identification key of Fossombronia in the Russian Far East. F japonica is recorded for the first time in Russia and F pusilla is the only recent confirmed record of the species in Russia.
Индексируется в Web of Science, РИНЦ
Последние изменения: 12 декабря 2017