Novitskaya L., Nikolaeva N., Galibina N., Tarelkina T., Semenova L.
The greatest density of parenchyma inclusions in Karelian birch wood occurs at confluences of phloem flows
// Silva Fennica. V. 50, N 3. 2016. Pp. 1461-1478
Ключевые слова: Betula pendula; patterned wood; parenchyma; branch attachments; forks; sucrose content
The specific pattern of the wood of Karelian birch (Betula pendula Roth var. carelica (Merckl.) Hӓmet-Ahti), is created mainly by dark-coloured inclusions of parenchyma tissue. Our study revealed that the greatest density of parenchyma inclusions in Karelian birch wood is observed above branch attachments to the trunk and below forks. In the place of branch attachment, phloem flows of photoassimilates (sucrose) from the branch and along the trunk merge into one pathway, causing a rise in sucrose content in tissues there. In the area below the fork, sucrose flows from two (or more) trunk axes are combined. Many studies have demonstrated that elevated sucrose level is associated with the differentiation of parenchyma. We believe that where large phloem fluxes merge a high level of sucrose promotes mass differentiation of parenchyma cells instead of fibers and vessels. As a result, the density of the figured pattern in the wood increases. The obtained data have a practical value and can be used in developing recommendations for Karelian birch cultivation.
DOI: 10.14214/sf.1461
Индексируется в Web of Science, Scopus, РИНЦ
Последние изменения: 11 января 2017