Структурные и функциональные отклонения от нормального роста и развития растений под воздействием факторов среды: Материалы Международной конференции
отв. ред. д.б.н. Л.Л. Новицкая.
Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2011. 400 с.
Discussed problems:
1) Biochemical, functional, anatomo-morphological and habitus deviations from normal growth and development of plants in reply to influence of environmental factor.
2) Molecular biology, biochemical and physiological mechanisms of induction of structural abnormalities.
3) The problem of modification inheritance. Genetic, physiological, morphological aspects of ecological aftereffects.
Antonova G.F. Formation of xylem and phloem in coniferous | 6 |
Appezzato-da-Gloria B.; Soares A. N.; Silva J. M.; Bombo A. B.; Martins A. R.;Fidelis A. The morphology and function of underground systems of species from Brazilian savanna | 11 |
Astrakhantseva N.V., Antonova G.F. Morphological changes in the structure of xylem and phloem in the stems of scots pine trees with different rates growth | 16 |
Bagaev S.S. Test of posterities of geographical populations of karelian birch in the Kirov region | 21 |
Baranov O.Yu., Nicolaeva N.N., Mashkina O.S. , Baliuckas V. Phylogenetic analysis of curly birch based on alcoholdehydrogenase gene sequencing data | 24 |
Barsukova T.L. Variability of carelica birch by morphological forms in cultures of different age in Belarus condotions | 29 |
Bolondinskii V.K., Belashev B.S., Savitskii A.I. Study of growth anomalies in woody plants in connection with exhalation of subsoil radon | 33 |
Bolondinskii V.K., Vilikainen L.M. Research of light dependence of photosynthesis in the birch seedlings in normal condition and in conditions of soil drought | 38 |
Bragg D.C. Possible environmental influences on the formation of the birdseye abnormality in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) | 42 |
Budykina N.P., Titov A.F. Plant growth regulators circon affects plant responses to environmental factors | 46 |
Burlakov P.S., Drovnina S.I. The formation and features of populations of tree-like Juniperus communis L | 50 |
Burmistrova N.A., Gomaa A. M., Raldugina G.N. Contents of soluble sugars and cold resistance of transgenic rapeseed plants with of the cold-regulated OSMYB4 transcription factor | 53 |
Chavchavadze E.S., Sizonenko O.Yu., Volkova S.B. Some features of adaptation the secondary xylem of dwarf shrubs and prostrate dwarf shrubs to environment of the Arctic region | 59 |
Chebotareva K.E., Gamalei Yu.V. The study of Coleus blumei variegation in relation to ontogenetic development and epigenetic memory in plants | 63 |
Chernobrovkina N.P., Robonen E.V. L-arginine storage in scots pine needles under the influence of nitrogen and boron | 65 |
Deych K.O., Sudachkova N.E., Milyutina I.L. Effect of intraspecific competition on the activity of enzymes involved in the metabolism of glutamic acid in kambial zone of Pinus sylvestris L | 69 |
Galibina N.A., Tselischeva U.L., Andreev V.P., Sofronova I.N., Fedorova A.P. Peroxidase activity in organs and tissues of trees of genus Betula | 74 |
Galibina N.A., Krasavina M.S., Novitskaya L.L., Sofronova I.N. Enzymes of sucrose metabolisation during formation of abnormalities in curly birch | 79 |
Galibina N.A., Sofronova I.N. Biochemical and structural features of trees of genus Betula at initial stages of its ontogeny | 84 |
Gamalei Yu.V. The origin of transport system in vascular plants. Ontogenetic control of their development | 89 |
Guimaraes E., Bortolotto T., Marino C. L., Machado S. R., M. Aparecida de Moraes Dallaqua, Rita de Cassia Sindronia Maimoni-Rodella. The thickened underground system of Jacaranda oxyphylla and the maintenance of genetic diversity in preserved and disturbed habitats in Brazilian savanna | 94 |
Hiraiwa T., Takashima Y., Ishiguri F., Iizuka K., Yokota S., Yoshizawa N. Effects of inclination angle of stem on growth stress and anatomical characteristics in three woody angiosperms forming reaction wood without gelatinous fibers | 97 |
Isakov Yu. N., Soustova N. М., Isakov I. Yu. Integrate-epigenetic origin of the karelian birch: the hypothesis and the facts | 98 |
Kalashnikova I.V. Habitat and morphological parameters of birches, growing on ashes near thermal power station | 104 |
Karelina T.V., Novitskaya L.L. Influence of different concentrations of sucrose and products of its cleavage on the conducting tissues morphogenesis of Populus tremula L., Alnus incana (L.) moench and Betula pendula Roth | 107 |
Karelina T.V., Novitskaya L.L., Galibina N.A. Influence of exogenous sucrose on the accumulation of mono- and disaccharides in trunk tissues of populus tremula, alnus incana and betula pendula during the preparation for dormancy | 112 |
Kaznina N.M., Titov A.F., Laidinen G.F., Batova J.V. Effect of zinc on some physiological processes and parameters of wild-growing grasses | 116 |
Khakimova Z.G. Phenotypic variability of karelian birch in Marij-El Republic and the Ulyanovsk region | 120 |
Kholoptseva E.S., Drozdov S.N., Sazonova T.A., Khilkov N.I. Soil temperature effects on co2 gas exchange in karelian birch plants | 124 |
Холопцева Е.С., Дроздов С.Н., Сазонова Т.А., Хилков Н.И. Влияние температуры почвы СО2-газообмен саженцев карельской березы | 124 |
Kopanina A.V., Yeromin V.M. Anatomy bark of some shrubs and dwarf shrubs growing in the conditions of hydrothermal activity volcanoes of Kunashir island (Southern Kuril islands) | 127 |
Korovin V.V. Structural anomalies of the stalk of wood plants: results of supervision | 131 |
Kozlov V. Global radiation disasters and tree rings | 136 |
Krasavina M.S., Prudnikov G.A. Plant cold tolerance of and bioelectrogenesis | 142 |
Laur N.V. Status of experimental pulpwood plantation of Norway spruce in Karelia | 147 |
Lisitsyn E.M., Tiunova L.N. Adaptation of winter rye plants to aluminum-acid stress | 150 |
Lobzhanidze E.D, Nakaidze E.E, Tsertsvadze D.K,Gabunia M.D. Conditions of formation of the wood false rings in Transcaucasia | 155 |
Lykova N.A. The reseach of the plant ecophysiological aftereffects: the history, the terminology and the problem condition | 159 |
Makhrova T.G. Analysis of habitual forms of norway spruce in the tract «Dubki» (Strunino, Vladimir reg.) | 163 |
Mapelli S., Bertani A. Water stresses, osmolytes and tree stems growth | 167 |
Marcati C.R., Wiedenhoeft A.C. Cambial activity in cerrado species of Southeastern Brazil | 172 |
Martins L., Bertolozzo T.– M., Furtado E.L., Oda S., Marino C.L. Study of morphological structure and the genetic control of lignotuber in eucalyptus | 175 |
Markovskaya E. F., Shmakova N. Ju. Pigment apparatus of different biomorph of Saxifraga oppositifolia in Arctic | 177 |
Markovskaya E. F., Shklyarevich G.A., Sergienko L.A., Starodubtceva A.A. Morphological variation of zostera marina l. on the white sea coasts | 179 |
Mashkina O.S., Butorina A.K., Tabatskaya T.M., Shchetinkin S.V. Cytogenetic mechanisms of manifestation the patterned wood of karelian birch during long-term in vitro cultivation | 184 |
Migalina S.V. Features of leaf structural adaptation to climate in white birches (Betula pendula Roth and B. pubescens Ehrh.) | 191 |
Milyutina I.L., Sudachkova N.E., Romanova L.I. Effect of the intensity of intraspecific competition on growth and resistance of photophilous and semi-shade pine species | 196 |
Miroslavov E.A., Mirgorodskaya O.E., Koteeva N.K., Barmicheva E.M. Positive effect of the lowered autumnal-winter temperatures on microsporogenesis in plants | 200 |
Molchanov A.G. Intensyvity photosyntesis of early and late leafage form of oak common in conditions unsufficient moistening | 204 |
Nikolaeva N.N., Leri M.M., Veselkova L.L. Structural organization of 1-year-old seedlings of birch | 209 |
Nikolaeva N.N., Leri M.M., Veselkova L.L. Morphometry of vegetative buds of birch: long shoots | 215 |
Nikolaeva N.N., Leri M.M. Morphometry of vegetative buds of birch: short shoots | 220 |
Novitskaya L.L. Mechanisms of induction of woody plants abnormal cambial growth on an example of karelian birch | 225 |
Novitskaya L.L., Galibina N.A. Transport and storage sugar’s form in Betula pendula Roth | 230 |
Obukhovskaya L.V., Makarova T.B., Oleshuk E.N. The adaptation of the microclonal regenerants of the karelian birch for non-steril conditions of the growth in the ion exchange substrate | 237 |
Paganova V., Pagan J. Present value and perspective of the curly birch growing in Slovakia | 241 |
Pogiba S.P. Polymorphism of vital forms of the karelian birch in the light of the theory of somatic evolution | 245 |
Pridacha V.B., Sazonova T.A. Dynamics of mineral nutrient and water metabolism of betula pendula trees with normal and abnormal stem wood in Southern Karelia | 249 |
Rabinovich A.L. Lipid membranes and their constituents: structure, properties, functions (computer simulations) | 253 |
Raček M., Lichtnerova H., Draguňova M. Reactions of ginkgo biloba l. seedlings on water scarcity | 257 |
Repin A.V. Dynamics of free amino acids in male blossom clusters of curlybirch | 260 |
Rinne E., Hakkarainen J. A., Rikkinen J. Comparative ecological wood anatomy of african mahogany Khaya ivorensis with special reference to damage caused by Hypsipyla robusta shootborer | 265 |
Rodrigues T. M., Coneglian A. G., Crocomo dos Reis D., Rolim de Almeida L. F., Machado S. R. Variation in the developmental features of the secretory system of Copaifera langsdorffii seedlings under different light conditions | 270 |
Salo V., Timonen T., Harju P., Saranpaa P. , Saraja H. Anatomy of mazur-like wood in finnish conifers | 272 |
Sazonova T.A., Pridacha V.B. Water and mineral status features of scots pine with different growth intensity | 278 |
Schetinkin S.V., Schetinkina N.A. On nature of karelian birch patterned wood | 282 |
Shchennikova I.N., Lisitsyn E.M. Intravarietal variability of genetic control of aluminum resistance in barley and oats | 287 |
Shibaeva T.G., Markovskaya E.F. Growth and development of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.) under continuous light | 290 |
Shulyakovskaya T.A., Repin A.V., Shreders S.M. Nitrogen compounds in the organs of silver birch and curly birch saplings, and their response to nitrogen treatments | 296 |
Shulyakovskaya T.A., Ilyinova M.K., Kanyuchkova G.K. Lipid composition of trunk tissues in curly birch saplings as related to figured grain formation | 300 |
Shurova M.L. State of karelian birch plantations in the republic of Karelia | 305 |
Sibul I., Habicht K.-L., Ploomi A. Curly birch stands and cultivation results in Estonia | 310 |
Sivolapov A.I. Anatomical and histological properties and wood density of Populus canescens polyploids in Voronezh region | 314 |
Sivolapov V.A., Blagodarova T.A. Age variability of woody libriform of black alder plus trees in Khopyor nature reserve | 318 |
Soboleva L.M., Mileshina A.V. The perspectives of the use of some tree species for the planting of greenery in the cities of Central Russia | 320 |
Sonsin, J. O., Barros, C. F., Marcati, C. R. Ecological tendencies in wood anatomy of cerrado species | 325 |
Stasova V.V., Skripalshikova L.N., Zubareva O.N., Tatarintsev A.I. The features of conductive tissue structures in pine and birch stems at anthropogenic landscapes | 327 |
Sukhareva T.A. The changes in the mineral composition of plant by decreasing emission load on forest ecosystems | 331 |
Sysoeva M.I., Ikkonen E.N., Sherudilo E.G. Effects of short-term and long-term low temperature treatments on the net-photosynthesis of cucumber | 335 |
Тarasevych А.V. Population varieties of genus Betula L. and their estimation for using in Ukrainian Polissya | 337 |
Tatarinov F.A., Molchanov A.G., Kurbatova J.A. The influence of weather and soil conditions on stem respiration in spruce forest at south-west of Valdai hill | 346 |
Terebova E.N., Evdokimova E.V. Scots pine`s developmental stability estimation: correlation of morphological and physiological indicators under sulfur and heavy metals pollution | 351 |
Titov А. F., Venzhik Yu. V., Talanova V.V., Nazarkina Е. А. Effect of low temperature on growth and hotosynthetic apparatus of winter and spring wheat plants | 355 |
Vaiserman A.M. Epigenetic adaptation: ontogenetic and transgenerational aspects | 358 |
Vetchinnikova L. On regularities of phenotypic sings of patterned wood in karelian birch ontogeny | 364 |
Vintoniv I., Sopushynskyy I., Vintoniv R. Some anatomical features of sycamore with decorative and resonance wood (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) | 368 |
Yeromin V.M., Kopanina A.V., Skibin O.A. Eccentricity of the wood trunk is the reaction to influence of nature factors | 372 |
Yeromin V.M., Kopanina A.V., Vlasova I. I. Variations in structure the of stems lians in connection with the metod of attachment to a support | 376 |
Last modified: April 1, 2016