FRI Structure
Laboratory for Boreal Forest Dynamics and Production
Major research trends
Senior Researcher, Head, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture
PhD student
Leading Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture, Assistant Professor, Senior Researcher
Junior Researcher, Leading Programming Engineer in the Information and Technical Support Department, Senior Programming Engineer in the Laboratory for Information Computer Technologies, PhD student in the Forest Research Institute
Junior Researcher, PhD student in the Forest Research Institute
Senior Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
Senior Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture
Chief Researcher, Director of the Forest Research Institute, Dr. of Biology, Senior Researcher
Leading Researcher, Deputy Director for Science of the Forest Research Institute, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture
Junior Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture
Junior Researcher, PhD student in the Forest Research Institute
Junior Researcher
Senior Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
Leading Researcher, Cand. (PhD) of Agriculture, Assistant Professor
Research Probationer, PhD student in the Forest Research Institute
Leading Forestry Engineer
Junior Researcher, PhD student in the Forest Research Institute
Contact information
Official title: Forest Research Institute of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of SciencesAddress: 11 Pushkinskaya St., 185910 Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia
Contact phone(s): +7 (8142) 76-81-60, 76-95-00
Fax: +7 (8142) 76-81-60