The seminar for the employees of the open joint stock company "Ladenso" took place in Pitkyaranta on 24-26 August 2021. The seminar covered following topics: structure of forest stands, features of different types of cuttings, silvicultural principles of tree selection for cutting, as well as the basics of forest inventory.The researchers of Forest Research Institute organized the seminar for Petrozavodsk schoolchildren – students of the Republican Eco-Biological Center named after K. Andreev on 17 May 2021. Researcher and the learned secretary Nikolaeva N.N. introduced the students to a research activity carried out in the Forest Research Institute and spent most of attention on the features of structure and growth of woody plants. School students showed what they know about coniferous and deciduous tree species growing within the Republic of Karelia. They were given the opportunity to compare biological features of pine species from Karelia and North America. In addition, the lecture-excursion on the Anomalous Wood Collection of the Forest Research Institute was held for school students.The webpage dedicated to the METAFor project has been created on January 2020 on the Forest Research Institute of KarRC RAS website.During the field meeting organized at demonstration forest plot on 9 December 2019, the expert of the METAFor project – leading researchers of the Forest Research Institute of KarRC RAS Ananyev V.A. and Sinkevich S.M. have presented the study program and teaching methodology to the members of the Steering committee of the project – the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Karelia Schchepin A.A., Deputy Minister Sharlaev S.E., and chairman of the AOC "Union of Timber Manufacturers and Exporters of the Republic of Karelia" General Director of CJSC "Shuyales" Pladov A.V. During the discussion, issues of expanding of the study program and the contingent of participants were raised. The training of forestry complex employees took place in Republic of Karelia, on 17-18 October 2019. During the classroom lectures, participants has learned the basics of forestry, the principles of tree selecting for thinning, and the basic elements of forest taxation.
During the practical exercises organized on the pre-prepared training plot the participants consolidated obtained knowledge and skills, as well as they practiced in instrumental assessment of forest stands.
The lectures and field practices were conducted by Ananyev V.A. and Sinkevich S.M.Delegates of the Forest Research Institute of KarRC RAS (Kryshen A.M., Ananyev V.A., Moshnikov S.A., and Romashkin I.V., Shorohova E.V.) have participated in the meeting with members of the Steering committee of the METAFor project held in Saint-Petersburg, on 3 October 2019.The training course for forestry complex employees from Leningrad region was organized by researchers (Ananev V.A., Sinkevich S.M.) from the Forest Research Institute of KarRC RAS, on 19-20 August 2020. The specialists from organizations of the forest complex and teachers from Saint-Petersburg State Forestry University S.V. Tereshenko and E.A. Kapitsa, and their bachelor and PhD students were participated. The main topic of the course was the fundamentals of silviculture and forest measurement.
Last modified: May 29, 2024