The objective of METAFor is to develop and apply an innovative multi-level cross-border educational platform on sustainable forest management both in Finland and Russia.
This objective is promoted by
1) organizing seminars to identify regional problems and solutions to them through cross-border cooperation and
2) developing training for forestry practitioners, teaching for university and school students, with the involvement of end-users.
Outputs: 12 university-level courses, 3 seminars for school students and 2 trainings for foresters. Project will produce teaching and other educational material, which will be published in digital format, freely available for all educational levels. Dissemination of the project results will be carried out on local, national and international levels, aiming at increased cross-border information exchange and cooperation between Finland and Russia in ensuring sustainable forestry.
Multi-level Education Towards Advanced Forestry (METAFor
Last modified: February 6, 2020