
Scientific publications

Сазонова Т.А., Болондинский В.К., Придача В.Б.
Эколого-физиологическая характеристика сосны обыкновенной
Петрозаводск: Verso, 2011. 207 с.
Sazonova T.A., Bolondinskiy V.K., Pridacha V.B. Есо-Physiological Characteristics of Scots Pine. Petrozavodsk: Verso, 2011. 207 p.
The results of long-term eco-physiological studies of Scots pine in North-West Russia are summarized in this paper. Particular attention is paid to the methodological aspects of eco-physiological research. Quantitative characteristics of plants basic physiological processes (C02 gas exchange, water exchange, mineral nutrition) are presented. Relationships of exchange processes with the structure of a tree are analyzed. The regularities of temporal organization of basic physiological processes in pine are revealed and their relationships with each other and environmental factors are researched. The structural and functional features of adaptation to extreme conditions by Scots pine are considered.
For scientists, professors, graduate students and students of biological and forest specialization.
Indexed at RSCI, Google Scholar
Last modified: September 26, 2016