Scientific publications
Тарасевич А.В.
Популяционные разновидности рода Betula L. и их оценка для использования в Полесье Украины
// Структурные и функциональные отклонения от нормального роста и развития растений под воздействием факторов среды: Материалы Международной конференции. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2011. C. 337-346
Тarasevych А.V. Population varieties of genus Betula L. and their estimation for using in Ukrainian Polissya // Strucrural and Functional Deviations from Normal Growth and Development of Plants Under the Influense of Environmental Factors: Material of International Conference. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2011. Pp. 337-346
The article presents information, that reflect anatomic, morphological, gabitual and ontogenetic pecularities of birch with figured wood, that was discovered at Ukrainian Polissya. Population characteristics was given and silvicultural conditions of Ukrainian Polissya and plantations, where shaped birch was found were described. There was made a substantiation for assigmenting of this birch in independent taxon Betula pendula (verrukosa) var. ukrainica Litvak.
strukt_otklon_337-346.pdf (426 Kb, total downloads: 420)
Last modified: June 13, 2012