
Scientific publications

Стасова В.В., Скрипальщикова Л.Н., Зубарева О.Н., Татаринцев А.И.
Особенности структуры проводящих тканей стволов сосны и березы в антропогенных ландшафтах
Stasova V.V., Skripalshikova L.N., Zubareva O.N., Tatarintsev A.I. The features of conductive tissue structures in pine and birch stems at anthropogenic landscapes // Strucrural and Functional Deviations from Normal Growth and Development of Plants Under the Influense of Environmental Factors: Material of International Conference. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2011. Pp. 327-331

strukt_otklon_327-331.pdf (362 Kb, total downloads: 272)

Last modified: June 13, 2012