Scientific publications
Карелина Т.В., Новицкая Л.Л., Галибина Н.А.
Влияние экзогенной сахарозы на содержание моно- и дисахаров в тканях ствола березы, ольхи и осины в период подготовки к состоянию покоя
// Структурные и функциональные отклонения от нормального роста и развития растений под воздействием факторов среды: Материалы Международной конференции. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2011. C. 112-116
Karelina T.V., Novitskaya L.L., Galibina N.A. Influence of exogenous sucrose on the accumulation of mono- and disaccharides in trunk tissues of populus tremula, alnus incana and betula pendula during the preparation for dormancy // Strucrural and Functional Deviations from Normal Growth and Development of Plants Under the Influense of Environmental Factors: Material of International Conference. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2011. Pp. 112-116
Влияние экзогенной сахарозы на содержание моно– и дисахаров в тканях ствола березы, ольхи и осины в период подготовки к состоянию покоя
Exogenous sucrose (concentrations: 0 g L-1, 10 g L-1, 25 g L-1, 50 g L-1, 100 g L-1, 200 g L- 1) was applied to the trunk tissues of aspen, alder and birch. In October concentrations of sucrose, glucose and fructose were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography in three layers of tissues: (1) nonconducting phloem and wound periderm, (2) conducting phloem and cambium, (3) xylem. In tissues of aspen and alder fructose dominated, whilst in birch tissues the major sugar detected was sucrose. Compared with aspen and alder tissues, birch tissues showed higher level of soluble sugars. Previously it has been suggested that sucrose level in birch tissues is already high, so application of additional sucrose leads to the accumulation of this disaccharide.
Exogenous sucrose (concentrations: 0 g L-1, 10 g L-1, 25 g L-1, 50 g L-1, 100 g L-1, 200 g L- 1) was applied to the trunk tissues of aspen, alder and birch. In October concentrations of sucrose, glucose and fructose were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography in three layers of tissues: (1) nonconducting phloem and wound periderm, (2) conducting phloem and cambium, (3) xylem. In tissues of aspen and alder fructose dominated, whilst in birch tissues the major sugar detected was sucrose. Compared with aspen and alder tissues, birch tissues showed higher level of soluble sugars. Previously it has been suggested that sucrose level in birch tissues is already high, so application of additional sucrose leads to the accumulation of this disaccharide.
strukt_otklon_112-116.pdf (357 Kb, total downloads: 234)
Last modified: June 13, 2012