
Scientific publications

Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экологические исследования
Indexed at RSCI

Articles in journal:

Origional Articles5
Lapteva E.G., Trofimova S.S., Zaretskaya N.E., Lychagina E.L. Holocene palaeoenvironmental dynamics of the Upper Kama Region (peat bogs case study)5
Bogdanov A.P., Tretyakov S.V., Koptev S.V., Yaroslavtsev S.V., Davydov A.V. Patterns in the structure and dynamics of old-growth larch-pine stands:
results of stationary research in the Arkhangelsk Region
Vetchinnikova L.V., Titov A.F., Tatarinova T.D., Ponomarev A.G., Vasileva I.V. Dynamics of the fatty acid composition of neutral lipids in silver birch buds during the winter-spring period in Karelia and Yakutia30
Tsandekova O.L., Makeeva N.A. Assessment of the biological activity of soil in meadow plant communities comprising ash-leafd maple41
Zagirova S.V., Kudryavtsev R.V., Miglovets M.N. Biogenic СО2 fluxes in a mid-boreal cowberry-lichen pine forest in the European Northeast of Russia51
Koshunyaev M.D., Potapov G.S., Kolosova Yu.S. Phenology of bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the north of the Arkhangelsk Region62
Kretova A.Yu., Lapshin N.V. Microsatellite loci for detecting extrapair offspring in Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix, Aves) nests in the northeast of the species range69
Fyodorov F.V. Mapping beaver infrastructure in the Karelian part of Vodlozersky National Park using aerial photographs75
Burmagin M.V., Matveev N.Yu. Qualitative and quantitative composition of zoobenthos in the lower reaches of the Northern Dvina River in 202386
Mamontova O.V., Kuchko Ya.A., Rasputina E.N. Comparative characteristics of rainbow trout raised in waterbodies of two different types in the Republic of Karelia97
Research methods105
Shtabrovskaya I.M., Zenkova I.V. Temperature data in ecological monitoring of the Kola Subarctic mountain soils105
Dates and anniversaries121
Bakhmet O.N., Medvedeva M.V., Saraeva A.K., Akhmetova G.V., Solodovnikov A.N., Moshkina E.V., Tkachenko Yu.N. Studies of Karelian forest soils under the leadership of Rozalia M. Morozova (commemorating 95th birth anniversary)121
Last modified: May 30, 2024