
Scientific publications

Руоколайнен А.В., Предтеченская О.О.
Дополнение к микобиоте ГПЗ «Кижский» (Республика Карелия)
Ruokolainen A.V., Predtechenskaya O.O. Additions to the mycobiota of the Kizhsky Nature Reserve (Republic of Karelia) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Biogeography. 2023. P. 54–62
Keywords: агарикоидные грибы; афиллофороидные грибы; сумчатые грибы; биоразнообразие; ООПТ
The paper provides data on 39 species of agaricoid fungi, 15 species of aphyllophoroid fungi, and 3 species of ascomycetes recorded for the first time for the Kizhsky Nature Reserve. One species of agaricoid fungi (Stropharia caerulea) was detected for the first time for the Republic of Karelia. Overall, the new species are typical for the biogeographic province of Karelia onegensis, and have been encountered previously, in particular, in the territory of the Kivach Nature Reserve. The records were collected during the expedition of O. O. Predtechenskaya and A. V. Ruokolainen to the Kizhsky Nature Reserve in the vicinity of the village of Podjelniki and on Kizhi Island in September 2022. Specimens of selected species are kept in the Herbarium of the Karelian Research Centre (PTZ). There are records of seven species listed in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Karelia (Gloeophyllum protractum, Junghuhnia collabens, Lentaria afflata, Pholiota squarrosa, Polyporus badius, Rigidoporus crocatus, Tyromyces fissilis). Seventeen species in the territory are classified as indicator species of biologically valuable forests. The research results will be used as background data for monitoring changes caused by human impact.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: October 3, 2023