
Scientific publications

М.А. Фадеева, А.В. Кравченко.
Подлежащие охране и нуждающиеся в биологическом контроле на территории Вологодской области виды лишайников в городе Вытегре
M.A. Fadeeva, A.V. Kravchenko. Vytegra town lichen species subject to protection and in need of biological control in the Vologda region // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 8. Biogeography. 2021. Pp. 70-79
Keywords: lichens; red-listed species; urban parks; introduced woody species; NW Russia
Information is provided on seven Vologda Region's red-listed lichen species discovered in the town of Vytegra, viz. Chaenotheca stemonea, Gyalolechia flavorubescens, Ramalina dilacerata, Ramalina farinacea, Ramalina pollinaria, Ramalina sinensis, and Xanthoria fallax s. l., and on two species in need of biological control, Melanelixia subargentifera and Parmelina tiliacea. Red-listed species were recorded from 17 locations, and species in need of biological control - from three. Red-listed lichen species were found on 15 woody species, 8 of them native and 7 alien. Most of the findings come from linden (Tilia cordata) and white poplar (Populus alba) trees over 100 years old, growing in the town's two historical parks - Culture and Recreation Park ('Summer Garden') and Children's Village. In these parks, 1-3 red-listed species were found on almost every old tree. Both parks are recognized as requiring a conservation status. The numerous later tree plantations, which are now some 45-50 years old, contain much fewer red-listed lichens, which either occur on singular trees or are absent in many localities. In semi-natural habitats, which are very few within Vytegra town administrative boundaries and occupy a small area, 4 red-listed species were found. The red-listed Chaenotheca stemonea, characteristic of old-growth forests, was found only in a remnant piece of a riparian spruce forest.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: October 21, 2021