
Scientific publications

Медведева М.В., Титова Т.С., Бахмет О.Н., Пеккоев А.Н., Харитнов В.А.
Исследование влияния аэротехногенного загрязнения на накопление тяжелых металлов в системе растение-почва
// Экология и промышленность России. Т. 23, № 6. 2019. C. 52-57
Medvedeva M.V., Titova T.S., Bakhmet O.N., Pekkoev A.N., Kharitonov V.A. Investigation of the Influence of Aerotechnogenic Pollution on the Accumulation of Heavy Metals in the Plant-Soil System // Ecology and Industry of Russia. Vol. 23. No.6. 2019. Pp. 52-57
It is shown that the chemical composition of the litter falls and wood of deciduous and coniferous trees is different. On the background of aerotechnogenic pollution, accumulation of individual heavy metals, an increase in ash content was noted. There was revealed the anthropogenic dynamics of the accumulation of heavy metals in the wood of trees: the maximum number during the period of diesel traction; as the railway site is electrified, the accumulation of elements decreases. The obtained data can be recommended to be used for phytoremediation at sites subject to pollution. The obtained data will be the basis for assessing the phytoextractive potential of woody plants, in diagnosing aero-technogenic pollution of the environment, solving the problem of reducing environmental risks, as well as during the modernization and planning of environmental measures in the field of railway infrastructure.
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Last modified: August 4, 2019