
Scientific publications

Р.Р. Сулейманов, А.Р. Сулейманов, И.Ю. Сайфуллин, Г.М. Гизатшина, М.Г. Юркевич, И.М. Габбасова.
Почвенно-геоморфометрический анализ территории, проектируемой под оросительную систему
R.R. Suleymanov, A.R. Suleymanov, I.Yu. Saifullin, G.M. Gizatshina, M.G. Yurkevich, I.M. Gabbasova. Pedological-geomorphometric analysis of an area designated for an irrigation project // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 10. Ecological Studies Series. 2018. Pp. 44-54
Keywords: agro-grey forest residually calcareous soil; irrigation reclamation; humus content; agrochemical properties; acidity; relief; resistance to erosion; valuation
The paper presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of the soil cover of an area where construction of an irrigation system has been planned. The surveyed site is located within the forest-steppe zone of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Based on the field survey and the obtained analytical data were compiled maps of humus content, alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen, labile phosphorus and potassium, acidity. The soil cover was found to be quite homogeneous, represented by agro-grey residually calcareous soil, which is generally characterized by a low content of humus and nutrients. The acidity level varies from “medium acid” to “neutral”, and depends on the thickness of the humus accumulation horizon and the nature of weathering processes. Analysis of the orientation and grade of slopes showed there prevail north-west- and west-facing 4–6° and 6–8° slopes. Valuation is also significantly influenced by the topographic relief. When re-calculating the valuation scores with the addition of correction factors for the relief, the greatest decrease was noted at points situated on steep slopes. Thus, according to these studies, this area can be described as erosion-risky, wherefore the farming system should employ conservation cropping procedures and strictly adhere to irrigation regimes.
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Last modified: October 29, 2018