
Scientific publications

Геникова Н.В., Харитонов В.А.
Последействие многолетнего внесения минеральных удобрений на видовой состав и структуру напочвенного покрова в культурах сосны на песчаных почвах
// Известия высших учебных заведений. Лесной журнал. № 1 (361). 2018. C. 18-28
Genikova N.V., Kharitonov V.A. The Aftereffects of Long-Term Mineral Fertilization on the Species Composition and the Ground Cover Structure of Pine Crops on Sandy Soils // Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal]. No. 1. 2018. Pp. 18-28
Keywords: mineral fertilizer, pine crop, ground cover, sandy soil
The paper presents the research results of the aftereffect of long-term application of various combinations of mineral fertilizers (simple (nitrogen - N, phosphorus - P, potassium - K), complex (PK, NP, NK, NPK) and control) on the soil cover in pine crops in the Karelian taiga region via 17 years after their application. Sample plots treated with various fertilizers differ in the total number of species, abundance ratios of plant groups (shrubs, mosses, lichens) and the amount of litter. Variants of the experiment with simple potassium and phosphorus fertilizers (without nitrogen) for these characteristics are close to control. We mark the smallest number of plant species of the moss-lichen and grass-dwarf shrub layers, a high projective cover of the species of the ground cover, the lowest value of the relative stand density (0.7...0.8), maximum projective cover of fruticose lichens (25 %) and the minimum amount of litter (12 %). The relative stand density in variants with complex nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers is 1.0 and higher, while the abundance of lichens is insignificant (12 %), and the amount of litter is 40 %. The effect of nitrogen fertilizers is manifested in an increase in the species diversity of the ground cover due to mesotrophic species. The long-term use of nitrogen fertilizers has increased the growth of pine crops during their application and the aftereffect. A dense stand and a large amount of coniferous litter create unfavorable growth conditions for bushy lichens and green mosses. The effect of introduced nitrogen fertilizers has been observed for 17 years after the experiment.
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Last modified: March 28, 2018