
Scientific publications

Полевой А.В.
Двукрылые (Diptera), заселяющие валеж различных древесных пород на начальной стадии разложения
Polevoi A.V. Diptera, inhabiting windfall of different tree species on initial stage of decay // X All-Russian Dipterological Symposium (with International membership). Kuban State University. Krasnodar, 23–28 August 2016. 2016. P. 283–287
Keywords: dead wood, saproxylic Diptera, trunk emergence traps, Karelia
Sixteen species of Diptera were reared with trunk emergence traps from fresh windfall of birch, aspen and spruce in the nature reserve «Kivach» (Republic of Karelia), in 2015. Species preferring certain tree species are identified. Presumable associations with bark and long-horn beetles established for several species. Three species are recorded from Karelia for the first time.
Last modified: January 10, 2017