
Scientific publications

А.А. Махров, И.Н. Болотов, В.С. Артамонова.
Экологические причины и следствия возникновения таксонов с пониженным адаптивным потенциалом (на примере пресноводных жемчужниц, Margaritifera)
A.A. Makhrov, I.N. Bolotov, V.S. Artamonova. Ecological causes and consequences of the formation of taxa with reduced adaptive potential as exemplified by freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 12. Ecological Studies Series. 2016. Pp. 68-82
Keywords: evolution; immobilization; routinization; adaptation; mollusks; genetic diversity
Freshwater pearl mussels live in rapid, cold rivers and streams, occupying the ecological niche that few of other bivalves fit. Therefore, these mussels are abundant in undisturbed habitats, and there is practically no struggle for existence in their populations (with the exception of strong stabilizing selection for adaptation of larvae to parasitizing on specific host fish species). As a result, freshwater pearl mussels have almost lost their adaptive potential, which prevents their further evolution, including the evolutionary response to human pressure on their populations. Problems encompassed in the assessment of species adaptive potentials are discussed. The assumption on “non-Darwinian” evolutionary mechanisms is rejected.
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Last modified: December 19, 2016