
Scientific publications

Лукашевич В.М., Суханов Ю.В., Катаров В.К., Пеккоев А.Н.
Организация и совершенствование образовательного процесса на лесоинженерном факультете государственного университета в рамках международного сотрудничества
// Alma mater (Вестник высшей школы). № 2. 2014. C. 59-63
Keywords: educational process, methods of education,international cooperation, transfer of technologies, quality of education
Presented is information concerning international cooperation of forest engineering faculty of Petrozavodsk state university in the sphere of improving qualityof education and it’s results during realization of scientific project of “New cross-border solutions for intensification of forestry and increasing energy wood use”. Also provided is an example of organization of educational process, using passive, active and interactive methods of training for the course of “Forest tending. Tending felling”.
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: April 19, 2016