
Scientific publications

Мамай А.В., Степанов А.Л., Федорец Н.Г.
Микробная трансформация соединений азота в почвах средней тайги
// Вестник Московского университета. Серия 17: Почвоведение. № 4. 2013. C. 32-37
Mamai A.V., Stepanov A.L., Fedorets N.G. Microbial transformation of nitrogen compounds in the soils of middle taiga // Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin. № 4. 2013. Pp. 32-37
The rates of mineralization, nitrogen fixation and denitrification processes in forest soils of middle-taiga ecosystems of Karelia were estimated. The actual and the potential rates of nitrogen fixation and denitrification were determined by gas chromatography; the rates of ammonification and nitrification — by composting followed by measurement of the resulting amounts of ammonium and nitrates using common agrochemical methods. The highest nitrogen fixing activity was detected for the groundwater gleyic podzol underlying a grass-herbs birch stand. Gaseous nitrogen losses to denitrification in the surveyed coenoses were minor owing to the low nitrifying activity of the soils. The microbial consumption of N 2O was quite active in all the soils surveyed, but the process prevailed in humo-ferric podzols underlying a pine and a spruce stand. The greatest potential capacity to mineralize organic nitrogen was demonstrated by the groundwater gleyic podzol with the loamy sand texture in the grass-herbs birch stand. The rates of ammonification and nitrification there were the highest.
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Last modified: June 7, 2021