Винтонив И.С., Сопушинский И.Н., Винтонив Р.В.
Некоторые особенности строения явора с декоративно-резонансной древесиной (Acer pseudoplatanus L.)
Macro- and microanatomical features of sycamore wood (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) with wavy grain, growing in Ukrainian Carpathians were researched. Variation of the wavelength of sycamore wood was presented. The amplitude and period length of wave are decreased from the butt-end to crown. The comparative statistics of the specific volume of wood ray parenchyma are made. The cell size in the wave grain wood of sycamore is about 34 % larger on the tangential section. The average cell diameter of wood rays in the straightgrain wood of sycamore is about 19 % smaller as in the wave grain wood. Hence, «anomalous growth» is characterized for the wave grain wood of sycamore. In the age of 80–100 year sycamore trees with wave grain wood have the volume about 2,5–3,5 m3, while sycamore straight-grain wood – 0,4–0,6 m3. The research results infer that the wave grain wood phenomena of sycamore have a genetic nature.

Некоторые особенности строения явора с декоративно-резонансной древесиной (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) (546 Kb, скачиваний: 237)

Последние изменения: 13 июня 2012